About ADB LOAN NO.2539- CAM (SF)

The GMS-NPRIP Project (Cambodia) – ADB LOAN 2539 – CAM (SF)

As per Scope of Works, this Project will complete the Greater Mekong Subregion: Northwest Provincial Road Improvement (NR 56A) in Cambodia. The Project components include: (i) Rehabilitation of transport infrastructure: 29 kilometers (km) of National Road (NR) 56A will be improved from Sisophon to the km 29; (ii) Improvement of Cross-Border Facilities will be done at O’smach (at border with Thailand); (iii) Road Maintenance Program; (iv) Road Safety Program and, (iv) HIV Prevention and Anti-Human-Trafficking Program.
The NR56 is a major provincial road that traverses two provinces (Banteay Meanchey and Oddar Meanchey) in northwestern Cambodia and also links the project area with the northeastern provinces of Thailand. The road also connects to NR68 that links with Thailand at O’smach, a strategic border point with strong potential to promote sub-regional transport and trade between northwestern Cambodia and northeastern Thailand. The impact of the Project will be increased sub-regional transport and trade between Cambodia and Thailand due to improved sub-regional connectivity. Improved access in northwestern Cambodia due to rehabilitated roads will result in more direct routes to border crossings, and enable increased trade and tourism between Cambodia and Thailand. The outcome of the Project will be increased transport efficiency in northwestern Cambodia. The Project will help rehabilitate the provincial road network to increase transport efficiency, sustain economic development in the rural areas and provincial centers, and facilitate social development by reducing the remoteness of the project area.